For the Love of YA
Do you love YA as much as I do? It all started with the Twilight Saga, where most things (in some cases, life itself) seems to have begun. From there I clung to Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy (dibs on Dimitri!) and on into Claudia Grey's Evernight followed by the Vampire Diaries and so many more. My bookshelf these days is a little more varied, but I still hold a special place for those tasty little morsels chock full of romantic suspense, drama, and action. Most recently, I latched onto Poison Princess to which I shout out to that wonderful author, Kresley Cole "Yo, lady! Hurry the heck up! People waiting over here!" That's right, I am an impatient reader and likely to kidnap a author one day and chain them in my basement forcing them to write day in and day out for eternity, but hey, that's dedication. You can't honestly tell me you haven't entertained this idea before? Oh, you have? Well, then. Awkward.
Show of hands, who loves YA (almost) as much as I do? Excellent, because I want to share with you this totally awesome giveaway going on over at Beth Revis's blog. She's giving away 50 (that's right, I said 50!) signed books! That's like, two weeks of reading! (What can I say, I read fast.) Sounds like a sweet deal to me! So head on over and toss your name into the pot. Link's on the sidebar or follow the addy below.
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